Differentially Pumped Rotary Feedthrough (Stepper Motor), CF114 Flange
Differentially Pumped Rotary Feedthrough (Stepper Motor) 360 Degree Rotation, CF114 Flange
The differential rotary drive allows two flanges to rotate relative to each other coaxially, and can be used as a modular component to build an ultra-high vacuum multi-axis manipulation mechanism, providing basic rotary motion for the assembly and enabling 360° continuous rotation.
Differential rotational drives can be applied to sample surface analysis (XPS, AES or SIMS), ion/neutron/atom scattering experiments, etc.
● Manual/ Step Motor Actuator
● Precision Ball Bearings and Quality PTFE
● Rotation range: 360° continuous
● Bakeable to 150℃
● Laser Etched Scale in 1° Increments
● Two Stage Differential Pumping for UHV Performance
● Mounting flange on both sides: CF flange, tapped hole